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  • Writer's pictureSarah Johnson

This is your chance to make this YOUR year..

Happy New Year!

January is upon is and this is the perfect time to start planning your goals for 2023.

New year really is a new start. I love taking the opportunity at the beginning of each year to sit down and think about my plans for the year ahead. I would say I have definitely always been an organised person but I find taking the time to sit down and think about what I want to achieve in many different aspects of my life really helps me to get motivated to get going.

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"

Have you got dreams of feeling confident in a bikini this summer? Have you got a big birthday coming up and you want to feel your best? Do you feel like the signs of ageing is creeping up on you fast?

We all have different desires that we would love to make a reality. So what's stopping you?

Maybe you have tried a few products or the odd treatment before and not seen any results. Maybe you think treatments don't work. Maybe you think treatments are painful. Maybe, you think salons are intimidating and full of perfect people! Maybe, you just don't know where to start..

Let's break these objections down one by one..

Odd treatments won't work!

I'm going to be honest here and tell you straight away, one off treatments do not work. If you want to see real significant and long lasting changes, you will need to commit to multiple treatments. Many treatments will deliver some sort of instant result but in most cases, these are short lived. The way to achieve real results comes with dedication and commitment.

Of course, ever client has different requirements so there really is no hard and fast rule that suits everyone but if you are serious about achieving those goals, you need to know that it's not a quick fix.

Will I see results?

If you stick to the plan, absolutely. I personally create a bespoke treatment plan for all of my clients following an in-depth consultation and analysis. I never follow trends or themes. I simply look at you as an individual and create a solution that will target your own personal goals. If you stick to the recommendations religiously, as well as a maintenance plan then yes, you will be sure to see results.

How much does it hurt?!

It doesn't!! I have a huge list of non invasive advanced treatments available to treat a wide range of concerns. Most of them are totally relaxing and actually feel enjoyable. Some of the treatments involve some minor sensations and can be a little bit uncomfortable but this is always discussed prior to your treatment and if we feel that a treatment is not for you, there are plenty of other alternatives.

Will I feel intimidated?

Absolutely not! One of the things I hate about salons is that they can often be a very intimidating place. I've seen that before when working as part of a big team and as a client walking into a busy salon. When I set up my own business, I knew I wanted to create a space when it was private, personal and never intimidating.

I work 1-1 with every client so it is very rare to see any one else in the salon at the same time and I pride myself on being able to put all clients at ease within minutes of meeting them.

Where to start..

Your journey begins with your initial consultation. To be able to create a bespoke solution, I take the time to understand exactly where you are now and where you want to be. This is a crucial part of the process and cannot be skipped.

There are 2 options to begin with..

Initial Consultation This is the first step of your skin care journey. In this up to 60 minute consultation, I will discuss your specific skin concerns and find out what your skin goals consist of. ​ Using a state of the art advanced skin analysis device, I will assess where your skin is currently to enable me to map out the steps involved to achieve the end result you desire.

My bespoke approach to the skin also involves looking into sleep patterns, nutrition, health and life style during this consultation.

Consultation and Treatment For clients who would like to have a bespoke treatment within the same appointment as their initial consultation. This is up to a 2 hour appointment, where you will receive a bespoke 60 minute skin treatment following your consultation.

So if you would like to make 2023 YOUR Year, I'd love to help you.

You can make an appointment by clicking the link below

Or if you have any questions, you can email me to

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