There we have it! September just like that! I don't know about you but we seem to say every year now how the months just fly by and how we 'can't believe it's x month of the year' but blimey!.. to say we have barely done nothing more exciting than #stayhome it seems to have gone mighty fast!
Ever since I became a Mum September suddenly took on a new meaning for me. Not only does September now just mark the beginning of Autumn (oh i just love the thought of cosy jumpers and boots..) but with the kids going back to school it really symbolises a fresh start for me.
With the events of this year affecting everyone, I think September welcomes a positive reset element and time for many of us to take back the reins and get back into some sort of routine! The lack of routine really does affect me after so long and I feel more tired and sluggish. Although I am dreading that first full week of early morning school runs, I know I will feel much more motivated once I get used to it.
2020 feels like it has been a bit of a write off doesn't it? I've seen countless memes online joking about this but actually now things are slowly returning to our 'new normal,' I have quite high hopes for the last 1/4 of 2020 and I feel I really want to make it the best it can be!
Some things I plan to make a priority from September as part of my 'fresh start' is to:
1. Continue reading a new book each month.. this is something I have recently started doing after not reading for years and I really want to keep it up as I find it so much more beneficial than wasting time doing the death scroll online each evening! I have just finished 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear and I am now starting 'Girl Boss' by Sophia Amorusa.
2. I really want to start having dedicated 'work time.' Currently apart from my set hours with clients, I seem to pinch and pick 10 mins here or 30 mins there wherever I can around the girls to get other 'work things' done. With my biggest girl going back to full time school now, I really want to create a new routine where I have allocated time to do my other tasks without feeling guilty or stressed.
3. Have more Self Care Time. In my job, I totally get the importance of this however, it's all too easy to neglect yourself and prioritise work or family over yourself. In a recent podcast I heard a lady saying how we are often called selfish for prioritising our own needs before others when actually, sometimes we actually really should do this and one of my favourite ever sayings is 'You can't pour from an empty cup' so I really want to try to do more refilling my own cup over the next few months.
I'd love to know what September means for you and what new plans or routines you plan to put into place?
Sarah x